General information
What does LASER stand for?
Abbreviation of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
The merit of laser:
1. It is possible to reduce the power consumption in the printer.
2. The uniformity calibration is unnecessary.
3. The laser is not affected by magnetism.
4. Sharp and more vivid pictures compare with the I-beam exposure engine.
Prevention of Static Electricity when replacing and maintaining electrical parts.

Static electricity from your body may damage electronic components such as PCB or a laser module if you touch them when charged.
When handling any electronic parts, be sure to use static-dissipative tools to prevent parts from being damaged by static electricity. In addition, use the static-dissipative tools for the maintenance of the digital units or laser engines. Use this kit when replacing or installing/removing electronic parts from the system.
This kit consists of four items:
– Static-Dissipative Work Mat,
– Wrist Strap,
– Ground Cord,
– Alligator Clips.
The most popular is an anti-static wristband. Please do not use so-called cordless wireless models of anti-static wristbands.

An Anti Static ESD Wrist Strap is a “must-have” tool for any service engineer who works with Electronic PCB and lasers.
It can be purchased directly in our shop.
You will receive the convenient brand new Antistatic Bracelet with a detachable grounding cord with a clip for a low price.
Prevention of Eye and Skin injuries when doing service or adjustments of a laser unit.

The exposure sections, front covers, and side doors of the equipment are provided with safety interlocks, which prevent leakage of Laser radiation being emitted when the covers are opened.
Please use Laser protective goggles if you perform any operations with Laser with opened doors or covers. Otherwise, Laser emissions may occur, resulting in serious eye hazards.
Safety Rule 1:
The adjustment of controls or the performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Safety Rule 2:
* Do not reflect the laser beam by inserting a mirror or the like in the light path of the laser beam.
* Do not change the light path of a laser beam.
* Do not replace the optical parts while the electricity of the laser is ON.
* Do not turn On electricity in the removed laser unit.
Almost all models of Noritsu minilabs turn on the lasers only for printing and immediately turn them off after the finish of the exposure. So there is no need to worry about laser safety during the replacement of the laser.
Always wear protective goggles during the fine beam adjustment and opening the laser units of Noritsu QSS30 and 31 series, because:
– Blue and Green Laser modules are always turned On (only QSS software versions J001 and K001 of QSS30** allows to turn them Off).
Lasers also Off being in Timer (waiting) mode.
At the same time, the Red laser is always turned Off in QSS 30/31 series and turns On only for printing. Just keep it in mind.
Do you need good goggles?
Send your inquiry here.

Structure of a laser unit in general

Noritsu laser type identifying
Guide how to define a type of a laser
Any Noritsu lab has two or three types of laser units.
Each laser unit has three laser modules inside: red, green, blue (R, G, B).
There were two different manufacturers of the laser modules for Noritsu minilabs:
some laser modules were manufactured by Shimadzu Corporation (laser type A & A1)
and some of them were manufactured by Showa Optronics Co. Ltd (laser type B & B1).
Both companies are from Japan.
There are two ways to identify the type of laser unit which is equipped as described below:
1. It can be identified by the version of the Laser on the System Version Check display.
Menu: 2260 — > Extension — > Maintenance — > System Ver. Check (Service FD is required)
Click here to download the Service Disc.
2. Also, you can enter into the service mode of the lab using a daily service password
(no need to use a service FD in this way).
You can see the daily password here
Function -> Menu
Then press the “F” and “-1 key on the operator’s keyboard, and Noritsu will ask for the password.
Enter the password for today to be logged in.
Check Noritsu’s PC if you cannot enter (see Windows OS date settings).
3. Laser Unit type also can be identified by the label placed on the laser unit.
4. It also can be easily identified by the part number of the corresponding laser driver PCB which controls each laser module.
Please contact us If you have difficulties with laser type identifying.
For QSS 30** series labs there are two types of laser units.
One is of type A and another one is of type B.
They have a small difference in the functions and quality of prints.
Type B is considered to be more reliable than type A laser.
Laser unit Type “A”
Black letters on a white background
First four-digit number is No.0770.
Serial: the first three digits A290
Blue Laser module type A
Green Laser module type A
B laser driver J390656-00
G laser driver J390656-00
Laser unit Type “B”
Black letters on a yellow background
four-digit number is No.0772.
Serial: the first three digits A490
Blue Laser module type B
Green Laser module type B
B and G laser driver J390727-00 or
B and G laser driver J390988-00
For QSS 31 series labs, there are two types of laser units.
One is of type A and another one is of type B.
They have a small difference in the functions and quality of prints.
Type B Laser unit is considered to be more reliable than type A laser.
Laser unit Type “A”
Label: Black letters on a white background
The four-digit number is No.0760.
Serial: the first three digits A350
Blue Laser module type A
Green Laser module type A
B laser driver J390656-00
G laser driver J390656-00
Laser unit Type “B”
Label: Black letters on a yellow background
First four-digit number is No.0762.
Serial: the first three digits A770
Blue Laser module type B
Green Laser module type B
B and G laser driver J390727-00 or
B and G laser driver J390988-00
For QSS 32 series labs there are three types of laser units exist.
One is of type A1, another one is of type B1 and the last one is fF.
There is no difference in functions and quality.
Type fF = blue laser (type A1) + green laser (type B1).
Laser unit Type “A1”
Label: Black letters on a white background
The first four-digit number is No.0913.
Serial: the first three digits A870
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type A1
B laser driver J390973-00
G laser driver J391160-00
Laser unit Type “B1”
Label: Black letters on a yellow background
The first four-digit number is No.0912.
Serial: the first three digits A700
Blue Laser module type B1
Green Laser module type B1
B and G laser driver J390929-00 or
B and G laser driver J391231-00
Laser unit Type “fF”
Label: Black letters on a yellow background
The first four-digit number is No.0918.
Serial: the first three digits B210
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type B1
B laser driver J391160-00
G laser driver J390929-00 or J391231-00
For QSS 33 series labs there are three types of laser unit.
One is type A1, another one is type B1 and the last one is fF.
There is no difference in functions and quality.
Type fF = blue laser (type A1) + green laser (type B1).
Laser unit Type “A1”
Label: Black letters on a white background First four-digit number is No.0920.
Serial: the first three digits A820
System Ver. Check – 1.086 X1 E
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type A1
B and G laser driver J390973-00 or
B and G laser driver J391160-00
Laser unit Type “B1”
Label: Black letters on a yellow background First four-digit number is No.0922.
Serial: the first three digits A830
Blue Laser module type B1
Green Laser module type B1
B and G laser driver J390929-00 or
B and G laser driver J391231-00
Laser unit Type “fF”
Label: Black letters on a yellow background First four-digit number is No.0925.
Serial: the first three digits B200
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type B1
B laser driver J391160-00
G laser driver J390929-00 / J391231-00
For QSS 34 series labs there are three types of laser unit.
One is type A1, another one is type B1 and the last one is fF.
There is no difference in functions and quality.
Type fF = blue laser (type A1) + green laser (type B1).
When using the Type A1 (Z023718) or Laser Unit (Type Ff), it is necessary to verify that the system program is upgraded to the specified version.
Laser unit Type “A1”
Label: Black letters on a white background First four-digit number is No.0913.
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type A1
B laser driver J391160-00 or J390973-00
G laser drivers J391160-00
Laser unit Type “B1”
Label: Black letters on a yellow background First four-digit number is No.0912.
Blue Laser module type B1
Green Laser module type B1
B laser driver J390929-00
G laser driver J390929-00
Laser unit Type “fF” (B21)
Label: Black letters on a yellow background First four-digit number is No.0918.
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type B1
B laser driver J391160-00
G laser driver J390929-00 / J391231-00
For QSS 35 series labs and Fujifilm Frontier 7100 and 7200 (LP7100 and LP7200), three types of laser units exist.
One is of a type HhB, another one is of a type fR(fF), and the third one is type FfR.
There is no difference in their functions and quality of prints.
Type HhB is in use in QSS35 PLUS series labs and was a base for the QSS37 laser unit.
As it has blue and red lasers of direct modulation, it has one AOM driver/signal processor and a green laser of type B1.
Regular Noritsu QSS35 series labs have laser units fR and FfR and 2 AOM drivers (on green and blue channels).
Laser unit Type HhB
(B410) QSS35 PLUS
Label: Black letters on a white background
The first five-digit number is No.03800.
Serial: the first three digits B410
Red and Blue lasers of direct modulation
Green Laser module type B1
G laser driver J391231-00
This lab has only one AOM driver.
Laser unit Type fR
(B110) QSS35 series
Label: Black letters on a white background
The first five-digit number is No.03045.
Serial: the first three digits B110
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type B1
B laser driver J391160-00
G laser driver J391231-00
This lab has two AOM drivers.
Laser unit Type “FfR”
(B10) QSS35 series
Label: Black letters on a white background
The first five-digit number is No.03000.
Serial: the first three digits B10
Blue Laser module type A1
Green Laser module type B1
B laser driver J391160-00
G laser driver J390929-00/J391231-00
This lab has two AOM drivers.
For QSS 37 series labs and Fujifilm Frontier 7500 (LP7500), there are four types of laser units that exist.
One is of a type HhB, another one is of a type fR(fF), next is type FfR and the last one is HhBA.
There is no difference in their functions and quality of prints.
Laser unit Type “HhB
Label: Black letters on a white background
Serial: the first four digits B540
Red and Blue lasers of direct modulation
Green laser module type B1
G laser driver J391231-00
This lab has one AOM driver
Laser unit Type fR “IiB1”
Label: Black letters on a white background
Serial: the first four digits B680
Red and Blue lasers of direct modulation
Green laser module type A1
G laser driver J391160-00
This lab has one AOM driver.
Laser unit Type “HhBA”
(B740) QSS37HD
Label: Black letters on a white background
Serial: The first four digits B740
Red and Blue lasers of direct modulation
Green laser module type B1
G laser driver J391231-00
This lab has one AOM driver.
Laser unit Type “IiBA”
(B750) QSS37HD
Label: Black letters on a white background
Serial: The first four digits B750
Red and Blue lasers of direct modulation
Green laser module type A1
G laser driver J391160-00
This lab has one AOM driver.
For LPS24PRO, only an fF type of laser unit exists.
Type fF = blue laser (type A1) + green laser (type B1).
Laser unit Type “fF”
Black letters on a white background
The first five-digit No 02600.
Serial: the first three digits B150
Laser Drivers Part numbers
B laser driver J391160-00 (type A1)
G laser driver J391231-00 / J391929-00 (type B1)

For QSS38 series there are two laser types: hB and iB.
Each laser unit has red and blue lasers of direct modulation and a regular DPSS green laser module of type A1.
The last generation of the QSS38G series has all three lasers of direct modulation so we do not overview it here.
Please contact us directly without intermediaries if you want to obtain a green laser module for your QSS38.
We can offer you the upgraded original laser modules Shimadzu or the new universal diode module of our manufacture.
Laser unit (Type hB)
Black letters on a white background
Z020259: Laser unit (Type hB)
J391231: G laser driver
Serial: the first five-digit No. 03700
Laser unit (Type iB)
Black letters on a white background
Z026681: Laser unit (Type iB)
J391160: G laser driver
Serial: the first five-digit No. 03730
How to confirm the type of the laser unit by checking the version name of the LASER.
Maintenance: 2260 → Extension → Maintenance → System Version Check

The meaning of each letter in the LASER type abbreviature:
Shows the laser unit type. • 1 : 300dpi • 3 : 640dpi
Shows the G laser driver type:
• H: G laser driver (J391231)
• I : G laser driver (J391160)
Shows the laser unit type:
• h: laser unit (Type HhB)
• i: Laser unit (Type IiB)
• #: Laser codes on the laser operation record PCB (inside the laser unit) has not been entered.
Shows that the R-AOM and B-AOM driver functions are installed in the laser unit. Example:
•B: Laser unit (Type HhB) or Laser unit (Type IiB)
• #: Laser codes on the laser operation record PCB (inside the laser unit) has not been entered.
Shows the software version of the laser control PCB.