Recommended error-handling routine after an error occurs
Part 1

To avoid basic causes of screen errors, always follow the installation requirements:
– The machines should be used in places with a relative humidity of 30 to 75% and an ambient temperature of 18 to 30 ° C. Otherwise, use an air conditioning system.
– Do not install the machine in a very dusty or highly vibrating place.
– Do not raise or lower the room temperature suddenly. If you do this, moisture in the air can condense on the machine, causing the laser guns to fog up, malfunctioning electronics and circuit boards, etc. D.
Please read the manual carefully before using the machine, and then handle the machine correctly.
Be sure to keep the Service Manual close to the machine so that you can refer to it straight away if you have any operational questions or problems.
If you have no guides, feel free to send us a request and we will provide you with one shortly.
Ground the machine to ground resistance of fewer than 4 ohms.
Due to the many different screen errors that can appear during the laboratory laser process or setup procedures, we will only explain a few common errors for your quick reference and corrective action:
Seek professional help to complete the steps necessary to determine the cause of the error.
Let’s go!
“Laser Temperature is abnormal / Laser Temperatures are being adjusted”
[Not an error, but an informational message. Occurs from time to time or constantly]
At startup, lasers B and G wait until the temperature is available for processing, fine-tuning, or auto-tuning is performed.
Cause: The temperature of the laser unit is outside the specified range.
1. Measure the ambient temperature and bring it into working condition. If the temperature is within the specified range but the error still persists, move to the next setpoint.
2. Open the top cover of the laboratory. (See Service Manual). If you don’t have a service manual, download it here.
2.1. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the area around the laser device. Do not use the vacuum cleaner in suction mode. Blow the dust out of the laboratory using the strong airflow generated by the vacuum cleaner. The fans under the laser unit should also be checked and cleaned. When you are done and reassemble it – turn on the lab and, if the error persists, go to checkpoint 3.
3. Check the heaters, sensors, and the quality of their connections that control the laser temperature.
Go to Menu → Extension → Maintenance → Input Check → Printer → Engine Section and Check what the R laser temperature is, and what the laser unit temperature is displaying.
4. Check the fans around the laser unit for clogging.
5. Check the quality of all wire connections.
6. Reconnect all connectors on the laser I / O PCB and main control board.
7. Check all voltage monitoring points to ensure 24V and/or 5V are present.
8. Perform software update (HD): 2260 → Extension → Maintenance → Software update.
Note. On some models, this message can be seen when your lab has been out of service for some time due to the software’s ability to turn off the laser in idle mode. So just wait for the laser to warm up and continue printing.
See your MiniLab Maintenance Manual for detailed procedures.
Resume: Laser repair is required (if all your action did not help).
Actions to be performed if you have “Laser Temperature is being adjusted” message
[Occurs from time to time or constantly]
Possible causes and remedial actions.
1. Bad connection/fiber optic link.
According to the “Troubleshooting Guide”, you should take the following corrective actions:
1. Press the OK button.
The error message will be removed.
If this happens again, contact your place of purchase.
2. Poor connection quality.
2.1 First, try reconnecting all connectors on the laser control PCB and printer control PCB.
2.2. Check the quality of the fiber optic connectors on the D-Ice Control board.
The D-Ice Control board comes first due to issues with Arcnet.
Remove the printed circuit board from the laboratory. Inspect and clean all connectors carefully. Look for pieces of fiber optic cable inside the connector. Take it away.
3. Damaged (frayed) end of the fiber optic cable.
Check the quality of the end of each fiber optic cable. Using a sharp utility knife, carefully cut the ends of each cable (exactly at a 90 ° angle). Make sure they are working properly and insert the cable into the socket, making sure that the end of the cable is in close contact with the sensor.
3.1. Look at the status of the fiber optic (ARCNET) network (the most likely cause of this error).
Go to Menu – Maintenance – Check System Version and check the status of the communication status.
If that’s okay, you don’t have to worry about the network and you have to look further.
If the message “OK” and “No connection” are flashing at the same time, it is necessary to install a fiber-optic cable.
In the QSS33 series, you need to check the optical connectors # 1516, # 1517 on the laser control board and # 212, # 213 on the printer control board.
4. Defective PCB
Try replacing the boards mentioned above with the same board from another lab and see the result.
5. Faulty sensor socket.
In one case, the problem was caused by a faulty (depleted) sensor.
Resume: Laser repair is not required.

Error Code: “Laser control PCB system error 6087-0003”
Suffix 0003 means communication error.
There is a difference in the image data that was sent to the laser control PCB, PCI-LVDS / ARCNET PCB via LVDS with the data that was sent via ARCNET communication.
Check the condition of the LVDS cable connecting the printer and workstation:
Remove the fiber from the board, making sure to press firmly on the bushings so that the connector releases the fiber.
Remove the board with optical connectors, pull out the sleeves with tweezers (do not forget to write down where it was), knock the board with its edge (“eyes” down) on the table so that the fiber debris will spill out. Then use a thin screwdriver to straighten the petals so that they are in the same plane, i.e. squeezed the cable as much as possible. Put the bushings back. Check fiber tips.
If they are loose or sharpened like a pencil, trim them with a sharp knife.
Connect it after revision/repair.
Resume: Laser repair is not required.
Error code: Synchronous Sensor Error 6073-000? (different suffix)
Error code: Synchronization Detection Error 06236-00009/12 (QSS 37)
Probable Cause 1: Faulty AOM driver.
Probable Cause 2: Faulty AOM crystal.
Probable Cause 3: Damaged coaxial cable between AOM driver and AOM crystal.
Probable Cause 4: Damaged cable between Laser control PCB and AOM driver.
Probable Cause 5: Poor contact of synchro-sensor inside the laser unit.
Probable Cause 6: Faulty synchro-sensor inside the laser unit.
Probable Cause 7: Faulty laser module.
Probable Cause 8: Faulty laser driver.
Probable Cause 9: Misplaced AOM Drivers’ BNC connectors.
In other words:
The sync signal is not received within the specified time period at the sync sensor PCB detector. Over time, the light from the laser diode becomes dimmer: eventually, the laser beam becomes not bright enough for the synchronous sensor to reliably detect it, which causes the 6073 # error message.
The purpose of AOM is to make the laser beam diffract (onto the print) by injecting sound waves of different frequencies. Usually, the blue laser module fails first, then the green one, and then the red one.
If the output sensor does not detect the laser beam, this error will be generated.
To rule out the worst, do the following – determine the cause of this error.
On the qss30 series:
If you have suffix 0001 – you need to check the red AOM (R) driver.
If you have suffix 0002, you need to check the green AOM (G) driver.
If you have suffix 0003 – you need to check the blue AOM (B) driver.
Replace it with the following AOM driver and run the lab.
If the error code changed, the problem was there.
A more detailed description of the exchange procedure can be found here.
Note 1:
The QSS 31/32/33 series does not have a suffix at the end of the error code.
Note 2:
Only the AOM drivers need to be changed, not the wires!
Note 3:
Sometimes you may have multiple AOM drivers faulty at the same time.
If the error persists, the following suspicious parts are:
– AOM crystal (inside the laser unit). In this case, laser repair will be required.
– Laser input/output of the PCB.
– Laser control board
– Disconnect and reconnect all connectors to all laser printed circuit boards.
– Check all test points for incorrect voltage.
– Check the quality of all connections of each AOM driver. No result – move on. Double-check if the AOM driver is connected properly.
For example, if an engineer swaps the BNC connector of the blue AOM driver for the green AOM driver, they can spend a lot of time searching for the cause of error 6073. It is recommended that all cables be tagged before replacing them.
– Check the power supply of the laser driver. If the power supply is normal, but the error persists, send us the laser unit.
– Check the quality and condition of the cables mentioned above …
We recommend using the Laser Self-Diagnosis Utility to understand the status of the entire circuit:
AOM driver + AOM crystal + laser module.
You can download it here.
Be sure to download and read the installation guide for this software.
Resume: Laser repair is required (if AOM driver works well)

Please read the recent blog post where we described the cause of the error here.
NOTE. There was a problem with version F001 and G001 of the main system software of the QSS 3001, which randomly generated error 6073 even though the laser unit was not damaged.
This is what the patch software was created for. However, if the software version is H or later, the most likely cause will be either one or more faulty AOM or a worn-out laser module.
We recommend using version K001 for the QSS30 series where all bugs were removed.
In addition, it turns off the lasers when idling. If you do not have such software, please contact us.
Actions to be performed if you have “Synchronous Sensor Error 6073” [QSS30]
Error code: Polygon Mirror Control Error 6076
Probable cause # 1:
Unstable rotation of the polygonal mirror located inside the laser engine.
Before replacing, check for disconnected cables and poor connection of connectors with the following parts: (Please disconnect and reconnect all connectors on the PCB first, if you haven’t.)
1. Laser unit
2. Laser I / O board
3. Laser control board
4. Printer control board.
Possible reasons:
– poor contact of the connectors.
– faulty laser input / output PCB
– faulty polygonal motor
– defective motor driver
– failure of one of the laser power supplies
What to do:
– reconnect all connectors on the Laser In / Out board.
– check for 24V voltage on the laser I / O PCB.
– check all fuses on the laser control board
– check the correctness of all voltages at the test points.
On some minilab models, a faulty AOM driver may be the cause of the error.
Laser repair is required (If Laser In/Out PCB is in working condition and 24 V presents there).
Actions to be performed if you have “Polygon Mirror Control Error 6076” [QSS 30]
read more on page 2
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