Recommended error-handling routine if no error occurs
part 1

To avoid basic causes of screen errors, always follow the installation requirements:
– The machines should be used in places with a relative humidity of 30 to 75% and an ambient temperature of 18 to 30 ° C. Otherwise, use an air conditioning system.
– Do not install the machine in a very dusty or highly vibrating place.
– Do not raise or lower the room temperature suddenly. If you do this, moisture in the air can condense on the machine, causing the laser guns to fog up, malfunctioning electronics and circuit boards, etc. D.
Please read the manual carefully before using the machine, and then handle the machine correctly.
Be sure to keep the Service Manual close to the machine so that you can refer to it straight away if you have any operational questions or problems.
If you have no guides, feel free to send us a request and we will provide you with one shortly.
Ground the machine to a ground resistance of less than 4 ohms.
Due to the many different screen errors that can appear during the laboratory laser process or setup procedures, we will only explain a few common errors for your quick reference and corrective action:
Seek professional help to complete the steps necessary to determine the cause of the error.
Let’s go!

When printing in standby mode, the color of the first few prints will be different from the color of any subsequent prints.
(This condition is easy to see in Repeat Print. For example, the color of the first print is different from the color of the second print.)
Possible reasons:
Reason 1:
Outdated software version.
Noritsu found that the color changed due to the light intensity not stabilizing for ten seconds after the laser was turned on, depending on the individual characteristics of the laser device.
Reason 2:
Faulty AOM driver.
An exhausted AOM driver can give these symptoms. Replace it with the following AOM driver, print the test, and see the result. If the base color changes to a different shade, replace the AOM driver.
Please read how to swap AOM drivers here.
Reason 3:
Defective AOM crystal.
A depleted AOM crystal can also give these symptoms.
Replacing the AOM crystal by the end-user is not possible.
You should invite a service engineer or send the laser to us or your service center.
Reason 4:
Defective laser module.
Depleted laser modules can also give these symptoms. The end-user cannot replace it.
You should invite a service engineer or send the laser to us or your service center.

Laser repair is required (if all your action did not help).

The laser dust-proof glass is dirty.
Remedy Action:
Wipe the laser dustproof glass from back to front using a clean soft cloth.
* You can wipe it from the front to the back. But, if you wipe it several times, be sure to wipe it in the same direction. If it is wiped back and forth, removed dirt may be put on the glass surface again.
* Do not clean using the alcohol contained liquids.
It may adversely affect printing.
Use clean water.
Do not press the cloth while cleaning!
See the detailed procedures in Service Manual.
If you do not have it – click here.
Resume: Laser repair is not required.

Thin white lines/line appears on each print.
Cleaning the protective glass does not help
Model: Noritsu QSS32 series.
Probable Cause 1:
Hair/dust under the protective glass cover
Corrective action:
Carefully inspect the cover for any hair and remove it if found.
Probable Cause 2:
Hair/dust in the block with the pressure rollers to the left of the laser.
Corrective action:
Remove the block with the pressure rollers and clean it.
See the Service and/or Operation Manual for detailed instructions on moving it.
If you do not have it – click here
Resume: Laser repair is not required.

Thin white lines/line appear on each print.
Disappears after glass cleaning but appears again in a short time.
Model: Noritsu QSS32 series.
Probable Cause:
Worn back print ribbon.
Corrective action:
Replace the printer cartridge/ribbon with a new one.
He may be too old and therefore his sides are torn. As a result, the remainder enters the exposure section in the area of the pressure guide of the exposure advancement unit.
The tape grinds, the fibers rise up with the paper and stick to the glass. So, when you clean the glass, it is removed and therefore there is no more line at this point.
However, as the belt continues to roll and shred, new fibers will eventually rise up over and over again.
So when you replace the tape with a new one, this will not happen.
Please follow the manufacturer’s replacement cycle and be sure to replace it with a new ribbon as you reach the maximum number of prints per ribbon cartridge.
See the Service and/or Operation Manual for detailed instructions on changing it.
If you do not have it – click here
Resume: Laser repair is not required.

visible magenta stripes/lines appear all over the prints.
Probable cause 1: AOM driver.
If you have purple rain streaks all over your surface and they suddenly appear: The green channel AOM driver may be faulty.
Replace it with the following AOM driver and see the result.
Please read how to swap AOM drivers.
If the magenta stripes do not change after replacement, see Probable Cause # 2.
Probable Cause 2: Green Laser Module.
Faulty green laser module in your minilab.
Repair or replace it with a new one.
Please send us your request.
Probable cause 3:
Strong external electromagnetic field.
Find the likely source of a strong external electromagnetic field near your laboratory. If you are sure that there is no external electromagnetic interference, you can try AUTOTUNE (QSS 30/31) or reset the B / G laser (newer models), but in the end, you still have to replace the green laser module.
Resume: Laser repair is required.

white lines appear on each print
Possible Cause: Dirty Rollers.
Some surfaces and rollers need to be cleaned.
See the picture below for where to clean.
Corrective action:
Clean the rollers above the pressure guide, remove and clean the pressure guide and reinstall.
Clean the glass protected from laser dust with Hitecloth.
The queues will be significantly reduced.
If you have slight color distortion, try cleaning the pressure guide properly.
Resume: Laser repair is not required.

cyan image shift or an image with different cyan patterns.

Featured on QSS30 series.
Probable Cause 1. The memory strips are out of order.
Corrective action:
The memory strips on the imaging board are out of order. Replace with new ones.
Probable Cause 2: Poor contact quality.
Corrective action:
Shut down the lab.
Access the Control section for the largest printed circuit board with memory sticks. Carefully remove it from the PCB and clean the contacts with isopropyl alcohol.
Probable Cause 3: AOM driver defective (red channel)
Corrective action:
Replace the AOM driver (if you open the lab it will be the closest to you. We can repair your AOM driver with our technology warranty, or you can get a new AOM driver made by minilablaser.com.
Resume: Laser repair is not required.

“white” is not “white” and “black is not black”. “Fog” is on the prints.
Probable Cause 1:
Defective AOM crystal (inside the laser unit)
Probable Cause 2: Contaminated solutions.
Probable Cause 3: stabilizer wear (STB / PS).
Probable Cause 4: There is too much iron in the water.
If you have all the paper settings but feel that the quality of white or black is not suitable for all paper sizes, you need to determine the reason for this.
1. Defective AOM crystal (inside the laser unit)
In rare cases, the crystal block AOM (this part located inside the laser block) may be the cause.
To eliminate the factor of the laser unit (AOM crystal), you need to send only one sheet of paper to the processor (paper feed) or close the laser output (exit) window with a thick sheet of paper and print as usual.
If the paper turns white as snow after leaving the dryer, then there is a problem inside the laser device and you should send it to a service center or to us for repair.
Summary: Laser repair required.
2. Contaminated solutions.
If you find that the paper is opaque white, it means that the solutions in your mini-laboratory are abnormal and cause fog.
The most likely reason for this:
– Developer (P1 or CD) is dirty with Bleach-Fix (P2 or BF).
– Stabilizer (STB or PS) discharged
– Too much iron in the water.
Try to find its source:
– Was the overflow BF (P2) blocked in tank CD (P1) or kinked hose due to overflow BF?
– Did the operator fill the BF CD tank by mistake?
– Are there cracks in the tank wall between CD (P1) and BF (P2)?
Sometimes yes …
– Does the sheet of paper cover the drain hole and P2 flow into P1?
If your answer is yes, it’s time to change your decision (s) or find the reason for the overflow.
How to change decisions:
Here are the general steps for changing solutions in any laboratory (Frontier or Noritsu).
I think this is a good reason to replace ALL decisions if you haven’t done this for a long time.
If you’ve done this recently, just replace Developer (P1 or CD) and see the result.
1. Drain the treatment tanks. Clean the technological container from dirt and tar. Clean the struts and crossovers thoroughly. Do not use abrasive brushes!
2. Fill all reservoirs with clean water (preferably lukewarm) and let the circulators run for at least 10 minutes to keep old chemicals out of the pumps and hoses.
3. Check the performance of all pumps and compare them with the recommended (pre-set) settings.
4. Drain off any remaining additional solutions using the drain valves on the bottom of the machine (dispose of drained solution correctly). When finished draining, close the drain taps.
5. Install all struts and crossovers.
6. Install new circulation filters. It is important to periodically change solution filters so that a blocked filter does not reduce solution flow. Use filters designed for the processor and recommended in the printer/processor manual.
7. Prepare solutions according to installation instructions using starter chemical and fill tanks.
Rinse the tools for preparing the solution thoroughly with water. Make sure they are free of process fluid deposits to avoid problems with subsequent mix preparation.
8. Make any adjustments needed after the decision has been changed, such as maintenance, etc. (See Guide).
9. Enjoy crystal clear white images.
3. Exhaust stabilizer (STB / PS).
If you only replace the CD (P1) and still have prints, check the stabilizer (STB / PS).
Send a clean, unprotected white sheet of paper directly to the STB tank and look at it after the dryer.
If it comes out with fogging, replace the STB.
4. Too much iron in the water.
Check the water for iron.
If the iron level is higher than recommended, use a water conditioner.
Yellowish hue (white is not white)
Original file (white is pure white)
Resume: Laser repair is not required.

Older models like QSS30-31 will generate 6073 Error.
Probable Cause 1: Defective AOM driver
Probable Cause 2: Weak sample signal of BLUE laser module
Here we have a shift in synchronous time correction.
The most frequent failure of the laser labs.
1. Defective AOM driver
Check the Blue AOM driver by swapping.
Read here how to swap AOM drivers, please.
If your blue AOM driver is defective – replace it.
Best of all is to obtain our new unique AOM driver with standby mode and forget about the problem with AOM drivers for many years.
Please read more about AOM driver with a standby mode here.
If you found your AOM driver to be in good working condition, the only cause is left:
2. Faulty Blue laser module.
Sometimes you can have a “yellow shift” (Synchronous sensor error 6073-003 on QSS30-31) and 6105 Light Source Status Error at the same time.
From our experience, “yellow shift” signals that the Blue laser is exhausted and requires repair service.
Please send your inquiry to us if you have the “yellow shift” of the image.
Resume: Laser repair is required (if AOM driver is in working condition).

picture has no image and filled by one color
Probable Cause 1: Defective AOM driver.
Probable Cause 2: Defective cable from Laser Control PCB to AOM driver (short circuit, cut, broken, jammed, etc.)
Probable Cause 3: Defective cable from AOM driver (short circuit, cut, broken, jammed, etc.) to AOM crystal unit.
Probable Cause 4: Defective cable connector of the AOM crystal unit.
Probable Cause 5: Defective Laser Control PCB
Probable Cause 6: Laser beam fine adjustment was not performed properly and a non-modulated beam covers the paper surface.

Blue color covered print
There is no signal of modulation comes to a blue laser module – the most probable cause is a defective AOM driver of a blue channel.
Therefore blue laser beam is not modulated and it fills all over the paper’s surface.

Green color covered print
There is no signal of modulation comes to a green laser module – the most probable cause is a defective AOM driver of a green channel.
Therefore green laser beam is not modulated and it fills all over the paper’s surface.

Red color covered print
There is no signal of modulation comes to a red laser module – the most probable cause is a defective AOM driver of a red channel.
Therefore red laser beam is not modulated and it fills all over the paper’s surface.

No image / Blank prints
If you have such an issue on Noritsu QSS32- QSS33 series – change the Blue AOM driver.
There is no signal of synchronization – so no laser exposure at all. If no result after AOM driver change – check the Image correction PCB and all cables (including LVDS cable from the image processing PCB to the Laser control PCB).
Resume: Laser repair is not required.
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